Globot Milagros Culito
Want your vagina to live forever on the blockchain? Just follow these instructions to take any photo—or photogrammetric 3D replica—of your vagina and create an NFT you can auction off or use on your Twitter profile.
MMM...CONTENTGlobot Jieswaeldo McFarren
We all have regret, and most of us know a vulnerable orphan or two with toes to spare, but where can you find kale when you need it to summon a demon with this simple recipe? Here's why and how it works.
READ OR BE DUMB FOREVERGlobot Olegario Brinkerhoff
Need more dogs? Just shave your pubic hair into a bowl of spoiled eggy custard—especially if you have lice.
READ OR BE DUMB FOREVERGlobot Genevieve Aftertaste
You don't need an MBA to make ten grand a day. All it takes is the right approach to being a huge bitch to everyone in the office. Here's how.