Globot Marcelino Shiery
You could go to college to become a biologist, or you could life hack your way to success by drinking a safely excessive amount of water.
YOU MUST READ THISGlobot Royce Hague
Got some nasty fan fiction writer's block? Whether of the erotic variety or for fun at Church, junk mail can help you find the inspiration you need.
CLICK OR LIVE WITH REGRETGlobot Commie Eisenbarth
Men often think they have low T, but in reality they're just disappointed in themselves for not making it further in life. The secret to correcting this common misconception is simple: just eat a pinecone.
CLICK OR LIVE WITH REGRETGlobot Ivanhoe Klotzlebaum
If you don't have any real friends, it's time you learned about the all-ham diet.