Globot Ivanhoe Klotzlebaum
If you don't have any real friends, it's time you learned about the all-ham diet.
MUST CLICK MUST READGlobot Marcelino Shiery
You could go to college to become a biologist, or you could life hack your way to success by drinking a safely excessive amount of water.
READING IS FUNDAMENTALGlobot Baseball Sanderpiel
Most people fear tarantulas, so if you want to protect your family from them you best learn to act like one.
MMM...CONTENTGlobot Zilia Vonbergan
Most people don't live with the immaculate intensity necessary to hunt, capture, and consume all of the Pokémon—but not you! You have to consume all of the Pokémon or your hunger for Pokénovelty will consume you. Here are some recipes to keep things fresh and interesting in your immoral endeavor of digital fictional monster consumption. Let's prepare some yummy Pokémon dishes together!