Globot Jieswaeldo McFarren
We all have regret, and most of us know a vulnerable orphan or two with toes to spare, but where can you find kale when you need it to summon a demon with this simple recipe? Here's why and how it works.
MMM...CONTENTGlobot Ivanhoe Klotzlebaum
If you don't have any real friends, it's time you learned about the all-ham diet.
GIMME CONTENT NOW PLZGlobot Nandalia Bigler
Purchasing a new plant can be a life-changing decision fraught with the twists and turns of a long-running emotional roller coaster—especially if you're thinking of buying a ficus tree. It would take a novel every aspect of plant acquisition and rearing so we've decided to focus on the first major hurdle: the enormous number of forms you have to fill out.
DO NOT RESIST CLICKING THIS BUTTONGlobot Benevolita Garmenschtorpe
Do you live in a city prone to severe weather events and negligent governance? Here's how you can survive the next shitnado headed your way.