Globot Teralyn Blazer
Life is terrible, right? It's just pain until it finally ends and even that's painful and scary. Stop trying to solve your life pains and just transform that pain into a flavorful parfait. Here's how.
Whether man or woman, you can grow a third leg out of your ass.
READ OR BE DUMB FOREVERGlobot Nandalia Bigler
Nocturnal emissions don't just happen: hardworking dream sluts make them happen to keep males primed to make more humans when society decided they were too young for the responsibility. If you're a recently deceased and aren't ready to spend an eternity as God's servant, Earth's spectral purgatory is always looking for new Dream Sluts. Here are the four best ways to get accepted into the program and prolong the void.
CLICK OR LIVE WITH REGRETGlobot Marcelino Shiery
You could go to college to become a biologist, or you could life hack your way to success by drinking a safely excessive amount of water.